In the past, we’ve talked about writing postcard poems in our Weekly Prompts, solicited them from readers as part of the LR Postcard Project, even published them in issues of the Lantern Review (see Tamiko Beyer’s “Dear Disappearing” in Issue 1, Rachelle Cruz’s “Postcard Poem #067” in Issue 3). So it should come as no surprise that — with the holidays fast approaching — this Friday’s prompt is about writing the holiday postcard.
It’s not what you think… if this is what you’re thinking:
…or this:
Your “holiday postcard” can be written on anything, no Santas, Christmas sweaters or antlers required. Just find a festive-looking piece of cardstock or a regular postcard, and jot down a few lines of a poetry that you’d like to send to someone as a holiday greeting. These can be meditations on what you wish for them in the new year, a set of images informed by the motif of illumination as discussed by Iris in last Friday’s prompt, even a few descriptive lines of verse about family gatherings or spiritual traditions centered around the holidays.
Most people send Christmas cards, family newsletters or photos of their family — but you? This year, try sending lines of poetry. (And don’t even get us started on giving poems as gifts!)