It’s recently come to our attention that our online form has been giving people errors when they’ve tried to submit visual art. Please accept our apologies for the inconvenience as we continue to investigate the issue.
If you’ve also received an error that has prevented you from submitting work to us, please do drop us a line in the comments to let us know!
In the meantime, if you would like to submit visual art (and only if you are submitting visual art – poets and writers of essays & reviews must still go through the online form; we will not be able to read your submission otherwise), you may bypass the form by emailing your images to editors [at] gmail (dot) com. Please include the following information in the body of your email:
Prefix (Ms/Mr/Mrs/Dr):
First Name:
Last Name:
Contact telephone:
Mailing Address:
Artist Name(s) [if different from the contact name; translators should include the name of the original poet here; this is where authors of collaborative works should indicate co-authors]:
2-3 Sentence Artist Bio(s):
Titles of pieces included:
Is this a simultaneous submission? (Yes/No):
Submission Categories [Poetry(Individual Artist) / Poetry (Collaborative) / Translation / Essay / Book Review / Visual Art / Community Voices]:
Additional Info:
Statement of Originality (type your full name beneath the statement to indicate your agreement):
“I certify that the work being submitted has not been previously published in any format (neither print nor electronic), and that it is either:
- My own original creation (defined as a poem, prose piece, visual artwork, or new translation created solely by the artist or artists indicated above), OR
- (If submitting to the community profiles category) An original creation of the group that I represent.”
Thank you so much for your patience. Our apologies once again for your trouble.
The LR Editorial Board