Lantern Review: Issue 5
I. Mon´grel (mung´grel), a. Of a mixed breed. –n. An animal of a mixed breed.
Left alone in the garden,
even the oldest roses
bear new blends,
mongrel plants
whose parents can’t be traced.
Yes, by accident. I shelter
open blooms,
for a bee can blur
the pollen I mingled.
The Hybridity Issue
I never thought
I’d bury my braid
in the garden.
I never guessed
I’d pin a false queue
to my hair.
I must not keep
the lime too sour to eat,
the grapefruit with pith so thick
my tongue can’t find the flesh.
II. Mule, n. An animal or plant of a mongrel kind; esp. the offspring of an ass and a mare.
The mule pulls loads of fruit,
his thick head bent
toward soft sand.
I drive the mule all day
and he does not whinny
or bray. He knows
when to stop.