Issue 5: The Hybridity Issue
Iris A. Law
Mia Ayumi Malhotra
Associate Editor
Brandon Chez
Submissions Database Creator
On the Cover
“Re/Deconstruction 1,” layered mixed-media piece by Michael Marcinek
How to Navigate This Magazine
Our magazine is laid out in spreads (sets of two facing pages). To flip between sequential spreads, use the “Next” and “Previous” links in the gray navigation bar. To skip to a nonsequential spread, return to the Table of Contents via the link of that name; once there, click on the title of any poem to jump to its spread.
To isolate an individual poem in a new window for printing purposes, navigate to the spread containing the first page of that poem, and then click on its title or first line. To jump to the bio of any contributor, click on their name as it appears above, beside, or below their piece.